Laura Merage is an artist, photographer, and venture philanthropist with over 45 years of experience in the art world. Her work takes on many different forms, ranging from multimedia textile projects and installations to sculpture and photography.

Born in Tehran, Iran, Laura moved to Los Angeles at the age of fifteen. She pursued her passion for art by earning a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts from the University of Southern California, followed by a Master's Degree in Art from New York University.

Throughout her career, Laura has exhibited her work in numerous solo and group exhibitions, earning recognition nationally and internationally. Her pieces are featured in public and private collections, including those at the Denver Art Museum and the Buhl Foundation.

In 2008, Laura founded RedLine, a nonprofit arts organization based in Denver, Colorado, dedicated to fostering positive social change through art. RedLine provides residencies, grants, educational programs, and curated exhibitions to support emerging and established artists.

"As an artist, and having firsthand experience of the challenges that come with it, along with the difficulties of living in a world that doesn't seem to fully appreciate art and artists, I noticed a lack of support systems and studio spaces for fellow artists. After years of thinking, 'somebody needs to do something about this,' I decided to do it myself, and started RedLine Art Center, a place that could provide this much needed support to artists and their careers,” (Laura Merage).

Since its inception, RedLine has received several awards, including the Best Non-Profit Gallery and Business for the Arts Award. After witnessing the positive impact of RedLine on the art community, Laura founded Black Cube Nomadic Art Museum in 2015. This nonprofit, experimental museum operates nomadically, producing site-specific artworks in public spaces to broaden access to contemporary art beyond traditional gallery settings.

Laura's leadership extends beyond the realm of art. She brings her artistic and business acumen to the David and Laura Merage Foundation, overseeing Early Childhood Education and Jewish Life initiatives. Additionally, she serves on the University of Tel Aviv Board and is an emeritus board member for the Anti-Defamation League.